Backlink Flood

Original price was: €50.00.Current price is: €35.00.

Don’t let the name fool you. This technique isn’t illegal or ethically dubious in any way (although
there are more dubious variants of it). Parasite hosting gets its name from the fact that you are
putting your content on to other people’s sites and using the authority (and PR) of their site to help
you rank for the target keyphrase. The authority of the domain also lets you convert low quality
backlinks into solid rankings without having to worry so much about getting dropped from the SERPS
(although it still happens so don’t beat yourself up if/when you lose some of these rankings).
This is the absolute fastest way to get started driving traffic from SEO methods and seeing results in
the form of dollars, whether it’s from affiliate sales, Adsense or any other way you wish to monetize
that traffic